Terms and conditions.

Effective Date: May 1, 2024

1. Agreement to Terms By accessing and using www.essentialistlist.com ("Website"), you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not use our Website.

2. Intellectual Property Rights The content on our Website, including text, graphics, logos, images, as well as the compilation thereof, and any software used on the Site, is the property of The Essentialist List or its suppliers and protected by copyright and other laws that protect intellectual property and proprietary rights. All intellectual property rights are reserved.

3. Your Obligations

  • Use of the Website: You agree to use the Website only for lawful purposes and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of the Website.

  • Content Contributions: Any content you contribute to the site, including comments and reviews, must be accurate (where they state facts), be genuinely held (where they state opinions), and comply with applicable law in any country from which they are posted.

4. Prohibited Activities You are prohibited from using the site or its content:

  • For any unlawful purpose.

  • In any way that causes, or may cause, damage to the website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the website.

  • To solicit others to perform or participate in any unlawful acts.

  • To violate any international, federal, provincial, or state regulations, rules, laws, or local ordinances.

  • To infringe upon or violate our intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of others.

  • To harass, abuse, insult, harm, defame, slander, disparage, intimidate, or discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability.

  • To submit false or misleading information.

5. Third-Party Links Our Website may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by The Essentialist List. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services.

6. Limitation of Liability In no event shall Essentialist List, nor any of its officers, directors, and employees, be liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this website.

7. Indemnification You hereby indemnify to the fullest extent Essentialist List from and against any and all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages, and expenses arising in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these terms.

8. Modifications to the Terms We reserve the right to revise these Terms at any time as we see fit, and by using this Website you are expected to review these Terms on a regular basis to ensure you understand all terms and conditions governing use of this Website.

9. Governing Law These Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of California, USA, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in for the resolution of any disputes.

10. Contact Us If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at essentialistlist@gmail.com.


Effective Date: May 1, 2024

1. General Information

The information provided by Essentialist List ("we," "us," or "our") on http://www.essentialistlist.com (the "Site") is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith; however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site.

2. Professional Advice Disclaimer

The Site cannot and does not contain medical/financial/legal/or other professional advice. The information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based upon such information, we encourage you to consult with the appropriate professionals and conduct your own research on the products, services, and brands.

3. External Links Disclaimer

The Site may contain (or you may be sent through the Site) links to other websites or content belonging to or originating from third parties or links to websites and features in banners or other advertising. Such external links are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness by us.

4. Testimonials Disclaimer

The Site may contain testimonials by users of our products and/or services. These testimonials reflect the real-life experiences and opinions of such users. However, the experiences are personal to those particular users and may not necessarily be representative of all users of our products and/or services.

5. No Responsibility Disclaimer

Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the site or reliance on any information provided on the site. Your use of the site, your reliance on any information on the site, and your experience or engagement with any products, services, or brands referenced are solely at your own risk. Any product claim or representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Disclaimer, please contact us at essentialistlist@gmail.com.