When it Rains, it Shines

Essential: Rain-X Glass Water Repellent

If you read the background on WHY I decided to share my favorite brands and products, you'll know this is where it all began: Rain-X. 

Living in Southern California, rain is not something we have to deal with frequently, BUT, when it does rain, driving can be a big pain in the…eyes. I'm pushing 40 and have used Rain-X ever since I started driving at 16 after my uncle gave me the tip. It has never, ever, ever let me down. 

For the Uninitiated:

Rain-X is a wax-based liquid solution that you apply to your clean windshield and, when it rains, water magically and rapidly beads right off your windshield. It looks like when they go into light-speed in Star Wars as the water streaks up and over your windshield.

It works by sealing the microscopic pores in the glass so there is less friction that would keep the water sitting in one place. Simple. And amazing.

Image via Reddit (u/dickssongoowenzhan00)

So, why is it the best?

1. A Pure Focus

I've LONG been a fan of brands that focus on doing one thing excellent - their core competency - and Rain-X does just that. Yes, there are some versions for snow or even your shower doors, but they all still help with one primary thing: getting water/moisture off of a glass surface. 

2. Quick On, Quick Off

Unlike some car treatments that take a ton of time and effort (like waxing after a wash), applying Rain-X is super fast. I just squirt a few stripes of it across the windshield and then use one paper towel to rub it into the glass in a circular motion. Then, you let it dry for a minute or two, and I use a second paper towel to quickly buff it clear. That's it. 4-5 minutes tops, and minimal effort.

3. Massive ROI

Rain-X is cheap. Like less than $10 in most stores, including on Amazon. And, you get a ton of applications out of a single little bottle. So, while the investment is small, the reward is huge.

Of course, it's way cheaper than an accident - as it really helps you see so much better in rain. But, beyond that, it is just…so…nice… to have such a clear windshield and not having to have your windshield wipers on hyperdrive while driving. So much joy from such a small cost.

4. Wildly Effective

Especially right after you apply it, I've found Rain-X to be SO effective that I almost do not need to use my windshield wipers, even in heavier rain. It's nuts how well this stuff works.

5. One Other Headlight Hack

So this doesn't apply to everyone, but I had one of my cars for 13 or 14 years - so long that the plastic cover for the headlights would get a bit foggy.

Rubbing just a little bit of Rain-X on the plastic cover would remove the haze right away, making my lights so much brighter. (of course, check with your specific manufacturer to make sure it's OK for your car, but I haven't heard of any that it does not work for yet). 


So, there you have it: Rain-X in all its glory.

Highly, highly, highly recommend. If it's amazing in Southern California, it is going to be extraordinary if you live where there's even more rain.


For quick reference, Rain-X has a variety of applications for glass (and, if you do decide to use the links I share below, you'll still get the lowest prices that I'm aware of, but I will get a small bonus for helping with the sale! Thank you!)


This Time Matters